사단법인한국소음진동공학회 The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering


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저널레터 : Trans. Korean Soc. Noise Vib. Eng., Vol. 34, No. 3 한국소음진동공학회 2024-06-24
2024년 6월 제 34권 제 3호 통권 278호
모형선 캐비테이션 시험을 통한 선체부착 센서를 이용한 추진기소음 모니터링 기술 실험적 연구
Experimental Study of Propulsion Noise Monitoring Technology using Hull-attached Sensors through Model Ship Cavitation Test
이 석 규 · 한 형 석 · 성 우 제 · 설 한 신 · 나 선 근 · 전 관 수
Sockkyu Lee, Hyungsuk Han, Woojae Seong, Hanshin Seol, Sungeun Na and Kwansoo Jeon
An experimental study was conducted to confirm the CIS monitoring algorithm using the kurtosis value of the DEMON spectrum and cavitation source localization estimation algorithm using the matched field inversion technique with the currently operating battleship model. Hull attachment sensors (acoustic, acceleration) were attached to the model installed...
광대역 소음저감을 위한 다중사이드브랜치 배열 최적화에 대한 연구
Study on Optimization of Multiple Side Branch for Reducing Broad-band Noise
오 진 우 · 이 상 권
Jin Woo Oh and Sang Kwon Lee
In modern society, noise problems occur because of various noise sources. Road noise is a representative noise source having a wide range of 500 Hz ~ 1600 Hz. Sound absorbing materials are generally used as noise reduction measures for broadband noise, but this has side effects, such as risk to the human body and environmental problems (recycling). In this study...
우주비행체 진동시험을 위한 대형 수직 가진 시스템 구축 및 검증
Establishment and Verification of Large Vertical Vibration Shaker System for Spacecraft Vibration Test
임 종 민 · 우 성 현 · 은 희 광 · 전 종 협
Jong-Min Im, Sung-Hyun Woo, Hee-Kwang Eun and Jong-Hyub Jun
During the launch process, the launch vehicle and satellite are affected by transient dynamic loads, such as engine ignition or wind gusts and quasi-static load. To demonstrate that the spacecraft structure can withstand the loads of the launch environment, vibration tests were performed using the vibration facility. In the vertical vibration test, the spacecraft has a higher center...
초고속 카메라를 이용한 스페클 패턴 기반 미소 진동 분석
Analysis of Micro-vibrations Based on Speckle Patterns using a High-speed Camera
박 태 정 · 한 성 민 · 양 희 란 · 최 장 훈 · 송 준 영 · 최 성 록 · 이 치 범
Taejung Park, Seongmin Han, Heeran Yang, Janghoon Choi, June-young Song, Sunglok Choi and Chibum Lee
In this study, we present a method for measuring small amplitude vibrations using a high-speed camera. We project a laser onto an object to generate a speckle pattern that is then magnified using a lens and analyzed using a steerable pyramid. This vibration measurement method allows us to separate and measure vibrations based on the direction...
주행 시뮬레이터를 이용한 주행음의 최적 조건에 대한 연구
Study on the Optimal Conditions of Driving Sounds using Driving Simulators
정 현 우 · 오 준 영 · 이 경 훈 · 강 연 준
Hyun Woo Jung, Jun Young Oh, Kyoung Hoon Lee and Yeon June Kang
As driving sound significantly influences the user experience and satisfaction of a driver, the importance of selecting appropriate driving sounds while considering the desired driving emotions continues to grow. Particularly for electric vehicles, the opportunity to artificially craft driving sounds enables a considerably broader spectrum of driving sound designs. However, current research...
심혈관계 시뮬레이터를 이용한 중심-상완 혈압 파형 재현
Reproducing Central-brachial Blood Pressure Waveforms using a Cardiovascular Simulator
정 재 학 · 박 용 화
Jae-Hak Jeong and Yong-Hwa Park
With the increase in the importance of cardiovascular health, the correlation with blood pressure, the most important indicator, is being actively studied. Therefore, blood pressure waveform data are essential. However, the clinical measurement of blood pressure has limitations with respect to the amount and distribution of data because blood pressure is measured invasively...
리셉턴스 합성 기법을 이용한 공작기계 모듈러 설계 방법론 연구
Study on the Modular Design Methodology for Machine Tools using Receptance Coupling Substructure Analysis
손 제 현 · 김 재 윤 · 이 창 호 · 장 성 현 · 강 연 준
Je Hyun Son, Jae Yoon Kim, Chang Ho Lee, Sung Hyun Jang and Yeon June Kang
This study proposes a modular design methodology using receptance coupling substructure analysis (RCSA) to predict the frequency response function (FRF) of machine tool finite element analysis (FEA) models. The coupling conditions used in the FEA model are made applicable through the RCSA formulation, and the degree of freedom reduction is applied. This procedure enables rapid...
다수의 어린이 뛰어다님을 재현하는 시뮬레이터의 제작 및 충격음 레벨 특성
Simulator Development for Replicating the Movement of Multiple Children Running and Impact Sound Level Characteristics
송 민 정 · 김 수 홍 · 류 종 관 · 박 현 구
Minjeong Song, Suhong Kim, Jongkwan Ryu and Hyeonku Park
To replicate scenarios involving multiple children simultaneously running, simulators for one, two, and three individuals were developed. Experiments were conducted under various conditions to examine changes in floor impact noise levels. For a rotating body with a diameter of 80 cm, the levels ranged from 43.3 dB to 38.9 dB. A rotating body with a diameter of 90 cm showed levels ranging...
도로 수송에서의 컨테이너 화물 방진장치 연구
Study of Container Cargo Vibration Isolator in Road Transport
장 승 호
Seungho Jang
This study deals with the development of a cargo vibration isolator that can be installed inside a container to reduce vibration throughout the entire transportation section. The vibration power spectral density (PSD) during road transportation was measured; the main vibration frequency was observed to be a low frequency of approximately 4 Hz. The spring stiffness must be large...
릴럭턴스 액추에이터를 적용한 고속 조종 거울의 구조설계
Structural Design of Fast Steering Mirror with Reluctance Actuator
김 원 묵 · 임 선 빈 · 정 재 우 · 정 상 원 · 김 재 현 · 강 보 민 · 윤 준 영 · 이 승 한 · 이 병 주 · 이 용 훈 · 김 형 래 · 박 노 철
Onemook Kim, Seonbin Lim, Jaewoo Jung, Sangwon Jung, Jaehyun Kim, Bomin Kang, Junyoung Yoon, Seounghan Lee, Byoungju Lee, Yonghoon Lee, Hyeongrae Kim and No-cheol Park
This study deals with the structural design of a fast steering mirror (FSM) with a reluctance actuator. FSM is a device that points a laser toward a target and is used in the military, aviation, and space communication. An FSM with a reluctance actuator can have a wide driving range and strong thrust that can result in a high performance. When analyzing the performance, structural...
고각 구동 유닛을 포함한 대형 레이더 구조물의 구조 안전성 분석
Structural Safety Analysis of Large Radar Structures with Elevation Drive Units
김 원 묵 · 임 선 빈 · 김 대 근 · 이 종 학 · 김 흥 태 · 장 은 정 · 송 기 연 · 박 노 철
Onemook Kim, Seonbin Lim, Daekeun Kim, Jong-Hak Lee, Heung-Tae Kim, Eun-Jeong Jang, Ki Yeon Song and No-Cheol Park
This study deals with the structural safety analysis of large radar structures with elevation drive units. Large radar is an essential military equipment that detects the trajectory of the shell, tracks the launch point, and neutralizes the enemy weapon. A large radar is equipped above the military vehicles, with an elevation drive unit that can elevate quickly to detect shell trajectories...
그물 기반 우주 물체 포획 기술을 위한 사출 메커니즘 설계
Ejection Mechanism Design for Space-net-based Active Debris Removal
김 세 준 · 송 다 한 · 김 혜 진 · 박 재 상 · 조 해 성
Sejun Kim, Dahan Song, Hyejin Kim, Jae-sang Park and Haeseong Cho
This paper presents an ejector for active debris removal using a space net. A non-explosive space-net ejection mechanism based on a spring’s elastic restoration force was developed. Through a literature review, the key parameters for the ejection mechanism were defined. Then, a spring design that satisfies these parameters was developed and verified through numerical...
The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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