사단법인한국소음진동공학회 The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering


제목 작성자 작성일
저널레터 : Trans. Korean Soc. Noise Vib. Eng., Vol. 34, No. 4 한국소음진동공학회 2024-08-22
2024년 8월 제 34권 제 4호 통권 279호
혈류역학 기반 1-D Flow Model을 이용한 복부 대동맥에서의 인체 맥파 전파 과정 재현
Reproduction of Pressure Wave Propagation in the Abdominal Aorta using a Hemodynamic-based 1-D Flow Model
홍 준 기 · 정 재 학 · 이 보 미 · 민 창 희 · 박 용 화
Junki Hong, Jae-Hak Jeong, Bomi Lee, Changhee Min and Yong-Hwa Park
Human blood pressure is influenced by various factors in the arterial system, including arterial stiffness, wall thickness, cardiovascular diseases, heart rate, and cardiac output. When blood pressure propagates from the central aorta to peripheral arteries, the pulse pressure magnitude and waveform change. Understanding the pulse propagation mechanism...
방진달대 적용에 따른 천장구조의 바닥충격음레벨 및 진동가속도레벨 저감 특성
Reduction in Floor Impact Sound and Vibration Acceleration Levels of Ceiling Structure by Installing Anti-vibration Hangers
홍 다 혜 · 김 신 태 · 김 명 준
Dahye Hong, Sintae Kim and Myungjun Kim
Anti-vibration hangers can effectively reduce sound and vibration transmitted through structural connections between concrete slabs and supported ceilings. This research examined the impact of installing anti-vibration hangers on reducing floor impact sound through mock-up tests. Results showed that with anti-vibration hangers, vibration acceleration levels decreased...
극한 환경 요구도를 충족하는 항공기 탑재용 블랙박스의 소형화 설계 방법에 대한 고찰
Study on the Design Method of Small Black Box for Aircraft that Satisfies Extreme Environment Requirements
손 동 훈 · 김 광 민 · 이 종 학 · 유 구 현
Dong-Hun Son, Kwang-Min Kim, Jong-Hak Lee and Gu-Hyun Ryu
The black box of an aircraft is a device that records its speed, altitude, navigation, and engine characteristics. It must protect important data recorded during flight, even under the extreme environmental conditions that occur in the event of an aircraft accident. Therefore, black box devices must be developed according to the ED-112A standard, which addresses...
다중 오토인코더를 이용한 반도체 핸들러 결함탐지
Fault Diagnosis of Semiconductor Handlers using Multiple Autoencoders
이 원 섭 · 강 연 준
Won-Sup Lee and Yeon-June Kang
This paper introduces a denoising autoencoder designed to distinguish between normal vibration data and various types of fault vibration data generated in semiconductor handlers. Unlike previous studies that windowed all time-series data based on fixed intervals, this study proposes a method of windowing data at the unit of action, using semiconductor handler time stamps for initial...
압축 차주파수 빔형성 기법을 이용한 도래각 추정
Direction-of-arrival Estimation using Compressive Frequency-difference Beamforming
이 정 훈 · 박 용 성 · 피터 거스토프
Jeung-Hoon Lee, Yongsung Park and Peter Gerstoft
Frequency-difference beamforming offers an alternative method for estimating direction-of-arrival (DOA) with a sparse receiving array. However, it suffers from reduced spatial resolution due to forming the beam at a low frequency, known as the difference frequency. Consequently, this unconventional beamforming approach can hinder the discrimination...
구조 변경을 통한 내장형 영구자석 동기전동기의 소음 저감
Noise Reduction in an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor through Structural Modifications
고 민 재 · 장 우 재 · 이 현 우 · 안 요 한 · 이 정 규 · 박 수 용 · 이 정 민 · 정 진 태
Minjae Go, Woojae Jang, Hyunwoo Lee, Yohan Ahn, Jeongkyu Lee, Sooyong Park, Jungmin Lee and Jintai Chung
In this paper, we identify the noise source of an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) for servo systems and reduce the noise level of the motor through structural modifications. To identify the main noise source, noise and vibration signals were measured at various motor speeds and installation positions, and the frequency spectra of these signals...
등고선 기반의 전자 지형 정보 및 제한 들로네 삼각분할법을 이용한 3차원 환경소음 영향예측용 지형모델 생성 기법
Formation Technique of a 3D Ground Topographic Numerical Model for Environmental Impact Prediction using Digital GIS Databases, Contour Lines and Constrained Delaunay Triangulation
최 태 묵 · 김 진 형
Taemuk Choi and Jinhyeong Kim
This paper presents a technique forming a three-dimensional (3D) topographic model to predict environmental impact using GIS databases, employing the constrained Delaunay triangulation method and contour lines. Benchmark numerical tests demonstrate that compared to using Delaunay triangulation alone, the proposed technique reduces mesh-generation time...
섭동법을 이용한 양변위 되먹임 제어 시스템의 수렴성 해석
Convergence Analysis of Positive Position Feedback Control using Perturbation Methods
김 대 웅 · 곽 문 규
Dae Woong Kim and Moon Kyu Kwak
This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the convergence properties of a positive position feedback (PPF) control system applied to a single-degree-of-freedom system, utilizing perturbation techniques. Through the application of the multiple-scale perturbation method, approximate solutions for the system dynamics are derived, revealing insights...
회전축의 정적/진동 특성 향상을 위한 중공축의 단면 설계
Cross-section Design of Hollow Shafts to Improve Static and Vibration Characteristics of Rotating Shafts
박 성 준 · 이 진 우
Sung June Park and Jin Woo Lee
In this paper, the cross-section of a hollow shaft was designed to improve the static and vibration characteristics of a rotating shaft. With the development of manufacturing methods such as threedimensional printing, the possibility of creating various cross-sectional shapes that had not been thought of before is being introduced. Therefore, various cross-sections...
공간 진동 주파수 분포를 이용한 플랜트 배관 진동 감시 기술
Monitoring Plant Piping Vibration through Spatial Frequency Distribution
최 영 철 · 정 변 영 · 전 지 현
Young-Chul Choi, Byun-Young Chung and Ji-Hyun Jun
In industrial plants, numerous pipelines experience vibrations due to internal flow, which vary in frequency depending on support conditions and faults. Monitoring pipe vibration is crucial for preventing accidents. Traditional sensors like accelerometers are impractical for simultaneous monitoring of multiple pipelines. This paper proposes a method using CCTV...
CFRP 스페이서의 허용한계 설정을 위한 구조해석 연구
Study on Structural Analysis for Design Limit Setting of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Spacer
유 경 선 · 박 민 · 이 병 용 · 백 승 훈
Kyungsun Yoo, Min Park, Byeongyong Lee and Seunghun Baek
A study was conducted to establish allowable limits for carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) spacers and improve analysis reliability by incorporating variable factors. First, stress-strain relationships were established for unidirectional lamina and for lamina in arbitrary directions. Classical laminated theory (CLT), a general CFRP analysis model, assumes thin laminated plates with constant...
위상최적화 기법을 활용한 얇은 평판의 굽힘 진동에서 발생하는 특정 모드의 비선형성 수동제어
Passive Design of Nonlinearity in Specific Modes of Flexural Vibrations in Thin Plates through Topology Optimization
이 종 서
Jong Suh Lee
This paper presents the first attempt to optimize the nonlinearity of flexural vibrations in thin plates using topology optimization techniques. Nonlinearity in the flexural vibrations of thin plates is characterized by an increase or decrease in natural frequencies in the frequency domain as the external force or internal energy increases, a phenomenon known as...
The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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