사단법인한국소음진동공학회 The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering


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저널레터 : Trans. Korean Soc. Noise Vib. Eng., Vol. 34, No. 5 한국소음진동공학회 2024-10-28
2024년 10월 제 34권 제 5호 통권 280호
유지매미의 저조파 신호에 관한 비선형 해석
Nonlinear Analysis of Sub-harmonics Signal in the Cicada Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata
윤 기 상 · 김 예 건 · 이 영 건
Ki-sang Yoon, Ye-geon Kim and Young-keon Lee
The aim of this study involves identifying the causes of sub-harmonics in the cicada Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata. Three peaks were generated in the calling song, the scream, and during the experiment, which aimed to examine the resonance condition of the abdomen. The tymbal produced a simple vibration with just one IN- and OUT-click, and this frequency was similar...
자율 주행 버스 좌석에 배치된 개별 HVAC 시스템에서 발생하는 진동 음향 소음의 능동 제어를 위한 공액 기울기 알고리즘
Conjugate Gradient-based Algorithm for Active Control of Vibroacoustic Noise from Seat HVAC System in an Autonomous Bus
옥쥬 올훈 · 김 성 열 · 구 진 회 · 이 상 권
Orhun Okcu, Seongyeol Kim, Jin-Hoi Goo and Sang-Kwon Lee
The paper presents the conjugate gradient algorithm for the active cancellation of vibroacoustic noise radiated from the compressor installed under each passenger’s seat in an autonomous bus. The sound radiated from the compressor of the HVAC system corresponds to a high-frequency annoyance noise caused by vibroacoustic noise due to the shell vibration...
주관적 반응을 반영한 공사장 소음 기준 개선안 도출
Development of Construction Noise Standards based on Subjective Response
김 우 정 · 구 진 회 · 박 형 규 · 안 재 영 · 이 규 선 · 이 연 주
Woo-Jung Kim, Jinhoi Gu, Hyungkyu Park, Jaeyoung Ahn, KyuSeon Lee and Yeonjoo Lee
Annoyance evaluation was conducted on various sources of sounds in construction machinery to improve the construction noise standards, which can reflect the subjective sensory characteristics that individuals can actually experience. A total of 84 sound samples were generated for 12 types of construction machinery, corresponding to different noise-generating...
자동차 NVH와 BSR의 고객 불만 수리를 위한 정비진단 프로그램 개발 및 활용
Development and Utilization of Diagnostic Programs for Repairing Customer Complaints of Automotive NVH and BSR
김 태 규 · 홍 가 의 · 김 종 욱 · 서 보 덕 · 홍 도 영 · 심 우 철 · 지 영 평
Taegyu Kim, Gaui Hong, Jongyoog Kim, Bodeok Seo, Doyoung Hong, Woochul Sim and Yeong Pyeong Ji
The noise and vibration generated by vehicles can be categorized into BSR(buzz, squeak, rattle) and NVH(noise, vibration, harshness). In real-world maintenance environments, approximately 70 % of issues are related to BSR, while the remaining 30 % are NVH problems. To address this, Hyundai Motor Company and SM Instruments jointly developed diagnostic equipment...
진동신호를 이용한 회전기계의 상태감시를 위한 비정상 상태 지수 개발 및 대형 원심압축기에 적용 사례
Development of Non-stationary Condition Indexes for Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machinery using Vibration Signals and its Application to a Large Centrifugal Compressor
신 기 홍
Kihong Shin
Statistical measures, such as standard deviation(or RMS), skewness, kurtosis, and spectral power of a measured vibration signal, are often used as key features when implementing a condition-based maintenance(CBM) system, particularly for rotating machinery. Typically, the CBM system monitors these statistical values and compares them with the values from an initial...
미시적 교통모형을 이용한 시계열 도로교통소음의 계산 방법
Method to Calculate Time-series Road Traffic Noise using a Microscopic Traffic Model based on Single Vehicle Units
이 재 관 · 김 형 수 · 김 필 립
Jae Kwan Lee, Hyoungsoo Kim and Phillip Kim
Traditional road traffic noise models exhibit the disadvantage of difficulty in interpreting fine temporal distribution that fluctuates moment by moment depending on traffic conditions. In this study, a Microscopic Road Traffic Noise(MTN) model is proposed to solve this limitation. In this model, a microscopic traffic model determines the movement behavior of individual...
유한요소 해석을 통한 공동주택 평면조건 변화에 따른 바닥충격음 영향분석
Analyzing Floor Impact Sound in Apartment Houses under Varied Floor Plan Conditions via FEA
김 경 우 · 신 혜 경 · 박 상 희 · 이 원 열 · 성 영 경
Kyoung-Woo Kim, Hye-Kyung Shin, Sang Hee Park, Won-Yeul Lee and Young-Kyung Sung
This paper investigates the variation in floor impact sound within a hybrid-type structure. Floor plans were modified under different conditions, and the study analyzed how floor impact sound varied in plate-type and tower-type layouts with a floor area of 59 m2. The results indicated that the lowest impact sound level occurred when an additional column...
단방향 FSI 해석을 이용한 잠수함 항해레이더 안테나장치의 구조건전성 분석
Analysis of a Structural Integrity Submarine Navigation Radar Antenna Device based on One-way FSI Analysis
정 성 훈 · 임 선 빈 · 김 대 근 · 김 원 묵 · 이 종 학 · 이 유 경 · 전 범 진 · 김 혜 빈 · 박 경 락 · 박 노 철
Seonghoon Jeong, Seonbin Lim, Daekeun Kim, Onemook Kim, Jong-Hak Lee, Yu-Kyoung Lee, Beom-Jin Jeon, Hye-bin Kim, Gyeong-Rak Park and No-Cheol Park
Submarine navigation radar is an essential equipment for detecting and tracking surface targets during a submarine’s surface or periscope navigation. Given the characteristics of a submarine, the installed equipment must be structurally robust with respect to external forces in surface and underwater conditions. In this study, a finite element analysis model...
혼합 경계를 가진 임의 형상 음향 공동의 저주파수 고유치 미 추출 문제 해결을 위한 NDIF법 개발
Development of NDIF Method to Solve the Non-extraction Problem of Low-frequency Eigenvalues for Arbitrarily-shaped Acoustic Cavities with a Mixed Boundary
강 상 욱
Sang Wook Kang
The NDIF method is a numerical analysis technique that was developed for high-precision eigenvalue analysis of arbitrarily shaped acoustic cavities. It is characterized by a limitation where the precision of higher-order eigenvalues increases, but low-order eigenvalues are not extracted as the number of nodes increases. In a recent study, a practical method...
유체-구조 연성해석을 통한 감육배관 동적거동 분석
Dynamic Behavior Analysis of Wall-thinned Pipeline using Fluid-structural Coupled Analysis
최 영 철 · 정 변 영 · 정 도 연 · 함 지 웅
Young-Chul Choi, Byun-Young Chung, Doyun Jung and Ji-woong Ham
Pipe wall thinning is a significant issue affecting the structural integrity of plant pipe systems. Although many studies have been conducted to detect defects caused by pipe wall thinning, numerous challenges have hindered their performance. In this study, the changes in pipe vibration due to wall thinning were observed to monitor defects...
적응 제어 알고리즘을 이용한 자동차 능동 현가장치 제어 특성
Control Characteristics of Active Suspension in Vehicles using Adaptive Control Algorithm
장 정 서 · 손 정 우
Jeong Seo Jang and Jung Woo Sohn
In this study, an adaptive control algorithm is designed and its control performance is evaluated via numerical simulation. Quarter vehicle active suspension model is considered, and fuzzy-proportionalintegral- derivative(fuzzy-PID) control algorithm is proposed. In the fuzzy-PID control algorithm, membership function...
대서양 연어 생육환경 소음 수준 적합성 평가를 위한 환경소음 영향 예측 및 분석
Prediction and Analysis of Environmental Noise Effect for Evaluating the Suitability of Noise Level in Atlantic Salmon Growing Environment
김 민 수 · 이 상 준
Min Soo Kim and Sang Jun Lee
In this study, environmental noise was analyzed and its effect was predicted to evaluate the suitability of noise level in Atlantic salmon growing environment. First, the environmental noise in atmosphere was measured at major positions within the aquaculture project candidate site located near Gimhae airport and light rail transit. Using the frequency analysis...
The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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