사단법인한국소음진동공학회 The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering


제목 작성자 작성일
저널레터 : Trans. Korean Soc. Noise Vib. Eng., Vol. 34, No. 6 한국소음진동공학회 2024-12-24
2024년 12월 제 34권 제 6호 통권 281호
Weinstein 소음민감도 척도 한국어 번안본의 신뢰도 및 타당도
Reliability and Validity of the Korean Weinstein Noise Sensitivity Scale
박 상 희 · 신 혜 경 · 김 경 우 · 이 평 직 · 정 정 호
Sang Hee Park, Hye-kyung Shin, Kyoung-woo Kim, Pyoung Jik Lee and Jeong Ho Jeong
Noise sensitivity is a critical factor influencing individuals’ subjective responses to various types of noise. Since its introduction in 1978, Weinstein’s Noise Sensitivity Scale(WNSS) has been widely utilized across numerous studies. This paper presents the adaptation of the WNSS for Korean-speaking populations and evaluates its reliability and validity...
비선형 현가 특성을 갖는 하이퍼루프 캡슐차량의 수직방향 반능동 진동제어
Vertical Semi-active Vibration Control of Hyperloop Capsule Vehicle with Nonlinear Suspension Characteristics
유 원 희 · 이 진 호 · 비르한 아베바우 네가시
Wonhee You, Jinho Lee and Birhan Abebaw Negash
The hyperloop capsule vehicle employs an Electro-Dynamic Suspension(EDS) magnetic levitation system utilizing non-contact superconducting electromagnets. This system exhibits the characteristics of a nonlinear suspension system, primarily determined by the nature of EDS, which serves as the primary suspension...
유전알고리즘에 의한 Johnson-Champoux-Allard 모델의 비음향학적 파라미터 추정
Estimation Method for Non-acoustic Parameters of the Johnson-Champoux-Allard Model using Genetic Algorithm
이 인 석 · 윤 태 흠 · 박 영 호
In-Seok Lee, Tae-Heum Yoon and Young-Ho Park
In this paper, an advanced method is proposed for estimating the non-acoustic parameters of porous materials. The parameters targeted for estimation include flow resistivity, porosity, tortuosity, and the thermal and viscous characteristic lengths within the Johnson-Champoux-Allard model. A genetic algorithm was employed as an optimal design technique to perform the estimation...
HVDC의 지지조건에 따른 지진 응답 특성 분석
Seismic Response Analysis according to Support Conditions for HVDC
임 기 정 · 이 정 준 · 윤 재 광 · 박 동 희 · 최 병 근
Gi-Jeong Im, Jeong-Jun Lee, Jae-Gwang Yoon, Dong-Hee Park and Byeong-Keun Choi
Recently, with the increasing frequency and intensity of earthquakes in South Korea, the country can no longer be considered a safe zone. In regions where earthquakes are more frequent, suspended models with low seismic responses are commonly used to enhance the seismic performance of high-voltage direct current(HVDC) systems...
전기차 일체형 모터 감속기 축 거동과 기어 진동 상관관계에 대한 연구
An Investigation on the Correlation between Integrated Electric Motor Reducer Shaft Movement and Gear Vibration
이 현 구 · 김 무 석 · 이 진 형 · 이 민 욱 · 이 태 휘 · 임 상 선
Hyun Ku Lee, Moo Suk Kim, Jin Hyeong Lee, Min Uk Lee, Tae Hwi Lee and Sang Sun Lim
Dynamic and static shaft eccentricity in integrated electric motor-reducers can lead to variations in the motor air gap and elevate both the motor and gear noise levels. This study investigates the effects of static and dynamic eccentricity, along with the presence of wave washers, on the gear noise of an integrated electric motor-reducer system...
구조적 공진에 의한 자동변속기 유성기어 치합진동 영향성 검증과 해석적 개선안 도출에 관한 연구
An Investigation into the Effects of Structural Resonance on Planetary Gear Meshing Vibration in Automatic Transmissions and Derivation of Analytical Improvements
오 종 민 · 양 재 호 · 강 상 욱 · 박 수 인 · 서 유 철 · 이 혜 진
Jongmin Oh, Jaeho Yang, Sang Wook Kang, Suin Park, Yucheol Seo and Hyejin Lee
With the accelerated trend toward powertrain electrification and increased demand for fuel efficiency, hybrid vehicle adoption has been growing rapidly. In particular, for hybrid vehicles, the development of transmission planetary gear noise and vibration control is crucial to ensuring customer satisfaction regarding vehicle quietness...
햅틱 초음파 프로브의 균일한 촉각 진동 렌더링
Uniform Vibrotactile Rendering in a Haptic Ultrasound Probe
차 진 우 · 김 휘 재 · 박 영 진 · 박 노 철
Jinwoo Cha, Wheejae Kim, Youngjin Park and No-Cheol Park
This study investigates the integration of haptic feedback into ultrasound probes to achieve uniform vibrotactile rendering on the grip surface used by clinicians, while minimizing vibrations on the diagnostic surface that contacts the patient. This method enables clinicians to experience consistent vibrotactile feedback regardless of grip variation...
레이더 센서를 보호하는 플라스틱 소재 커버에 대한 초음파 제빙 시스템의 적용 연구
A Study on the Application of an Ultrasonic De-icing System to Plastic Covers Protecting Radar Sensors
노 은 식 · 문 원 규 · 신 금 재
Eunsik Noh, Wonkyu Moon and Kumjae Shin
This study demonstrates the feasibility of applying ultrasonic de-icing technology to plastic covers protecting radar sensors on autonomous vehicles. Ice accumulation on radar sensor covers can lead to accidents during autonomous driving, highlighting the need for effective de-icing solutions. In this investigation, an ultrasonic de-icing system was...
공명에 의한 발전기 배기관 진동 사례
A Study on Vibration in Generator Exhaust Gas Pipes caused by Acoustic Resonance
박 주 현 · 이 성 주 · 박 용 환 · 김 지 남
Juhyun Park, Sungju Lee, Yonghwan Park and Jinam Kim
Generators are essential power sources on vessels, where efforts to reduce environmental pollution have led to the installation of Selective Catalytic Reduction(SCR) systems to decrease nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. However, in response to specific client requirements, some vessels are also equipped with bypass lines...
원자로 노심지지동체의 축방향 지지하중 손실에 기인한 진동특성 분석
Experimental Investigation of Vibration Characteristics Induced by Decrease in Axial Preload in the Core Support Barrel of a Nuclear Reactor
정 변 영 · 고 태 영 · 정 도 연 · 최 영 철
Byunyoung Chung, Taeyoung Ko, Doyun Jung and Young-chul Choi
Neutron noise analysis is widely used to monitor the structural integrity of nuclear reactor internals by leveraging the neutron attenuation effects associated with the cantilever bending motion of the core support barrel. Spectral analysis of ex-core neutron detector signals indicates that a decrease in axial preload is typically reflected as a shift...
유동 해석을 통한 배관 내 버터플라이 밸브의 소음 영향 분석
Analysis of Noise Impact of Butterfly Valve Shape Inside Pipe through Flow Analysis
하 탐 이 · 박 은 빈 · 안 상 준 · 윤 길 호
Tam Yee Ha, Eun Bin Park, Sang Jun Ahn and Gil Ho Yoon
This study investigates the flow characteristics within a butterfly valve. Pipelines are widely used in various mechanical systems, such as vehicles and industrial processes, to transport high-pressure gases. In regions where flow within these pipelines encounters valves, substantial noise can be generated, making noise control a critical factor in assessing system quality...
진동내구 프로파일 도출을 통한 구동계 신뢰성 향상 기법
Method to Improve Powertrain Reliability through Vibration Durability Profile Implementation
김 효 성 · 박 광 민 · 노 용 래
Hyosung Kim, Gwangmin Park and Yongrae Roh
This paper presents a method for generating an accelerated vibration driving profile to evaluate the vibration durability of an automotive powertrain system. A key challenge in vibration durability testing is developing a vibration profile in a laboratory environment that accurately reproduces the vibration damage severity and characteristics observed under real-world conditions...
수중 평판의 등가 음향임피던스 역산을 위한 간이수조 시험
A Simple Tank Test for Inversion of Equivalent Acoustic Impedance of an Underwater Flat Plate
이 주 엽 · 최 혁 진 · 김 국 현 · 박 성 주 · 조 대 승
Joo-Yeob Lee, Hyeok-Jin Choi, Kookhyun Kim, Sung-Ju Park and Dae-Seung Cho
This paper presents a basic experimental study on the evaluation method for determining the equivalent acoustic impedance of an arbitrary material flat plate. The study applies an inversion method based on the complex sound speed of the acoustic material, utilizing reflectivity measurement results. To achieve this, an equation for calculating reflectivity which incorporates...
오목 멤브레인의 저차 고유치 미 추출 문제 극복을 위한 분할 영역법 기반 무차원동영향함수법 개발: 제1부(이론 정립과 검증)
Development of the NDIF Method based on the Sub-domain Method Overcoming the Non-extraction Problem of Low-order Eigenvalues for Concave Membranes: Part 1(Theoretical Formulation and Verification)
강 상 욱
Sang Wook Kang
The NDIF method, developed by the author, exhibits a significant limitation in that low-order eigenvalues cannot be accurately obtained as the number of nodes increases. Recent studies on membranes, acoustic cavities, and plates have introduced an ‘improved NDIF method’ that addresses this issue; however, further research is required to determine...
수직형 펌프 자동진단을 위한 규칙기반 진단 기술 개발
Development of Rule-based Diagnosis for the Automatic Diagnosis of Vertical Pumps
강 민 석 · 정 덕 영 · 박 동 희 · 선 경 호 · 이 상 혁 · 최 병 근
Min Seok Kang, Deok Yeong Cheong, Dong Hee Park, Kyung Ho Sun, Sang Hyuk Lee and Byeong Keun Choi
Recent trends in facility maintenance have focused on automating defect diagnosis using artificial intelligence(AI) technologies. One such method utilizing AI is rule-based diagnosis, which operates based on decisions made from expert knowledge and does not require large datasets. However, because it evaluates only the data measured at a single point...
오목 멤브레인의 저차 고유치 미 추출 문제 극복을 위한 분할 영역법 기반 무차원동영향함수법 개발: 제2부(예제 연구 및 고찰)
Development of the NDIF Method Based on the Sub-domain Method to Overcome the Non-extraction Problem of Low-order Eigenvalues for Concave Membranes: Part 2(Example Studies and Considerations)
강 상 욱
Sang Wook Kang
The first part of this paper proposed a theoretical formulation of an improved NDIF method designed to overcome the issue of non-extraction of low-order eigenvalues in the NDIF method when applied to the sub-domain method. The validity of the proposed formulation was confirmed using membranes of simple geometries....
타이어 충격원에 의한 중량충격음 평가시 충격 및 마이크로폰 위치의 영향
Influence of Impact and Microphone Positions on Heavy-weight Floor Impact Sound Evaluation using Tire Impact Source
신 혜 경 · 박 상 희 · 김 경 우
Hye-kyung Shin, Sang Hee Park and Kyoung-woo Kim
This study examined the influence of excitation and receiving positions on heavy-weight floor impact sound evaluation in apartment buildings using a tire impact source. Measurements were taken in 59 identical apartment units having the same floor structure. The results showed that impact positions in the center and near windows contributed...
가솔린 직분사 엔진음의 고압인젝터 충격음 특성 규명 및 정량화
Characterization and Quantification of High-pressure Injector Impact Noise in Gasoline Direct Injection Engines
강 륜 아 · 박 준 홍 · 곽 윤 상
Ryuna Kang, Junhong Park and Yunsang Kwak
Gasoline Direct Injection(GDI) engines use a high-pressure injection system to deliver fuel directly into the combustion chamber. In contrast, Port Fuel Injection(PFI) engines inject fuel into the intake port. This difference in injection pressure and system significantly affects engine noise characteristics. This study investigates the primary causes of impulsive noise...
The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
#1406 Renaissance Officetel, 69, Seochojungang-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06651, Rep. of KOREA
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