사단법인한국소음진동공학회 The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering


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[강좌안내]김양한 Fellow MOOC 강좌 안내(Massive Open Online Course) 한국소음진동공학회 2020-02-26
한국소음진동공학회 김양한 Fellow님의 MOOC 강좌를 소개합니다.
해당강좌는 Coursera 홈페이지(
https://www.coursera.org/)에서 무료로 회원가입 후 수강가능 하며, 관련 학생들 및 전문가들에게 도움이 되길 바라는 마음에서 안내 드리오니 많은 관심 바랍니다.
김양한 Fellow 님의 현재 수강 가능한 강좌는 아래와 같습니다.
Ⅰ. Intro to Acoustics (Part 1)
This course introduces acoustics by using the concept of impedance. The course starts with vibrations and waves, demonstrating how vibration can be envisaged as a kind of wave, mathematically and physically. They are realized by one-dimensional examples, which provide mathematically simplest but clear enough physical insights. Then the part 1 ends with explaining waves on a flat surface of discontinuity, demonstrating how propagation characteristics of waves change in space where there is a distributed impedance mismatch.
Ⅱ. Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)
Learners might have learned the basic concepts of the acoustics from the ‘Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1).’ Now it is time to apply to the real situation and develop their own acoustical application. Learners will analyze the radiation, scattering, and diffraction phenomenon with the Kirchhoff –Helmholtz Equation. Then learners will design their own reverberation room or ducts that fulfill the condition they have set up.
Ⅲ. Introduction to Basic Vibrations
Introduction to Basic Vibrations starts with the fundamental principle of vibrations with a single and double degree of freedom systems. These fundamental vibration systems provide a solid platform not only to understand general vibrations but also to apply or use them into simple mechanical problems.

✔ Coursera는  
2012년 스탠포드대학에서 강의를 제공하던 앤드류 응(Andrew NG) 교수와 다프네 콜러(Daphne Koller) 교수가 만든 서비스로 온라인 공개 수업(Massive Open Online Course, MOOC(무크)) 의 선두주자로 다양한 실험과 대학 등과의 협업으로 최고의 교수가 만든 최고의 강의를 누구나 들을 수 있는 온라인 무료 공개 강좌 시스템입니다.